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“How to prevent the church from growing.”
Do you want to see the church grow? Do you want to see the local congregation where you worship grow? There are many things which actually prevent growth in the local congregation. Such as:
1. Very simply, but highly important, don't invite people to Bible Study or Worship services – IF you don't want the church to grow.
2. Don't keep preachers around very long. The most productive years of a minister's work starts AFTER the fourth or fifth year. IF you are not interested in the church growing, insist on a change of preachers every two or three years.
3. Don't be enthusiastic about the local congregations' work – IF you don't want the church to grow. Passive churches rarely attract new members.
4. Always depend upon someone else in the congregation to give – IF you don't want the church to grow. God expects everyone else in the church to give – BUT ME. Don't give and the church will remain about the same as it is – or go down.
5. Never plan for growth. Only plan for the present number of church members and current programs – IF you don't want the church to grow.
6. Suffer from the "cut-back" syndrome – IF you don't want the church to grow. Since we have suffered inflationary times we must "cut-back". Don’t challenge the brethren to accept challenges and sacrifice – IF you don't want the church to grow.
You see, all one has to do to insure a Lack of church growth is NOT DO ANYTHING. Without doubt that will be a successful method to kill the growth of the local church.
Are YOU interested in seeing THIS CHURCH grow??? I am just optimistic enough to believe that YOU ARE!! Will YOU become involved – and will YOU sacrifice, if necessary, to see that this congregation will continue in both spiritual and numerical growth? DO YOU WANT THE CHURCH TO GROW??? NOW BAD??!!!!!
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